We’re so sad to say goodbye to our amazing volunteer Nathalie, who has shown dedication and reliability as a Food Bank Volunteer since January 2021. Thank you so much Nathalie for all the hard work you have done, and we send our warmest wishes and best of luck to you!
Here’s a quote from Melanie, our volunteer coordinator:
“Nathalie was one of the first volunteers I supported when starting in my role as a volunteer coordinator. She joined alongside her friend Sylvie and both their daughters Soumeiya and Nour. It was so lovely to see mothers and daughters volunteering alongside each other! I felt a particular connection with them as Nathalie is originally from Belgium and her first language is French, like myself.
Nathalie started volunteering at the foodbank in January 2021, at the height of the pandemic. I will always remember her incredible dedication and bravery then, but also week after week since. She is a real treasure when it comes to supporting her community. I’ve rarely seen such reliability and calm strength in a volunteer.
After almost 2 ½ years volunteering at our foodbank, Nathalie became one of the backbones of the project, supporting new volunteers and ensuring the smooth running of operations throughout.
We miss her already, but I will always remember her heartwarming smile 🙂 “

If you would like to find out more about the amazing work our volunteers do, or if you would like to apply for a volunteer role, click here