Volunteer Feedback

Natalia joined the Renewal Programme as a volunteer after meeting with our Community Hub Coordinator, Veronika. After volunteering with us for some time, she has now accepted a role as a Tutor within our Training and Education department.
“What is it like to volunteer for the Renewal Programme?”
Well, it means to discover yourself first of all. Secondly, it means to meet new people that can become your mentors and more than that, your friends. It means growing mentally, developing professionally, and finding your purpose in life.
Six months ago, I was at the lowest point in my life. I was a fresh migrant with no friends, no job, and no purpose in life. I would say it is not so easy to adapt to a new country and culture. Then I met Veronika who introduced me to her new project within the Renewal Programme and I started helping other people by giving my time, energy, and knowledge. Well, that thing helped me more than I was thinking at that time. I would say for sure – volunteering is a powerful thing in changing people’s lives.