Our immigration advisor, Sylwia, continues to work with volunteers from UEL Legal Advice Centre.
Sylwia has provided us with an immigration project case study, so that we can have a better understanding of why these sessions are so important, and what the team aims to achieve with their clients.

Today in our immigration project we have combined casework matters and a drop-in session, which become increasingly popular.
We are currently working on a case of a failed asylum claimant with PTSD from Ethiopia.
UEL law students from Legal Advice Centre are busy assessing data disclosure and refusal decision from the Home Office, as well as dismissed appeal determination from the Tribunal (IAC).
Next stage would involve research into Tigray War and its contribution to a humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia.
We would then conclude, if a human rights application for this client has prospects of success on non-protection grounds.
The students will be involved into every stage of casework, including assessing medical documents, researching case law and international reports, drafting client care letter, assisting with the application form, drafting representation and preparing evidence, as well as responding to progress enquiries and providing case updates to the client, his support workers and the referring organisation.
Our upcoming drop in immigration sessions are:
Thursday 6th of April 12:30pm – 2:00pm.
Thursday 20th of April 12:30pm – 2:00pm.
Please note that our immigration referrals are currently closed until further notice and we are unable to take on any new casework/offer representation due to capacity. We will update our website accordingly once we are in a position to accept new referrals meanwhile, please visit the OISC or the Law Society website to find a suitable representative.