Cost of Living Crisis Appeal: Better Together.
When the cost of living increases, those least able pay the price.
Together we can make sure no-one in our community chooses between eating and heating this Spring. This is why we are launching our Cost of Living Crisis Appeal: Better Together.
The UK is currently facing the biggest hit to living standards it’s seen in 50 years. Prior to the onset of the cost-of-living crisis, Newham residents struggled disproportionate financial hardships with 52% of families in poverty, whilst 25% had the highest rate of personal debt (in the UK) and 25% of households were overcrowded – the highest level of all London boroughs. Figures from Shelter also suggest 1/25 Newham residents experience homelessness compared to just 1/200 nationally.
From April onwards, inflation and the rising cost of fuel, food and other essentials will push more Newham households into poverty. Here at the Renewal Programme, we are already providing food to over 200 people a week and are expecting numbers to significantly rise as the cost-of-living hit those least able to pay the price.
With Newham already facing some of the UK’s highest rates of poverty, our community are now facing an unprecedented decline in living standards.
We want Newham to be a place where everyone can reach their full potential, and where everyone feels a part of the community; we also want to continue providing our vital services to support our most vulnerable during these uncertain times. Because we are better together.
However, we are unable to do so without your support.
Right now, food prices are getting higher day by day. In this situation, the food bank is very helpful for families with young children who are not able to buy food. The food bank helps me feed my two dependent children . Without this support, I will be lost.
Arjun, Food Bank User
By donating just £5, you will help to feed a family, like Arjun’s, in Newham this Spring.