Your Place: || 0207 476 6062
Formerly known as Caritas Anchor House, your place is a homelessness charity providing accommodation and life-skills support for single homeless adults between the age of 18-65.
Community Links: || 0207 473 9681
Community Links’ specialist advisors, and their dedicated volunteers, provide extensive support for clients with housing issues.
General enquiries || 08000 384838
Crisis support people out of homelessness for good. They do this through education, training and support with housing, employment and health. They offer one to one support, advice and courses for homeless people in 12 areas across England, Scotland and Wales.
Newham Council – Homeless Link: || 020 8430 2000
Tenancy relations service, general housing advice and advice and assistance for single and non-priority homeless people in Newham.
Newway Project:
0749 0983777 || Monday – Friday, 9am – 2pm.
NEWway Project advice centre is a warm place of welcome for those experiencing homelessness or are under threat of having nowhere to stay.
The Magpie Project:
07561 180 825
The Lodge
Forest Lane Park
Magpie Close
Forest Lane
E7 9DF
The Magpie Project supports mums and under-fives in temporary accommodation in Newham.
Free Webchat Service between the hours of 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday.
0344 515 1540 between the hours of 9:30am – 6:00pm, Monday to Friday, for general advice.
0808 800 4444 between 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am – 5pm on Saturday and Sunday to be used if your need is urgent.
You should use this line if:
- you have nowhere to sleep, or might be homeless soon
- you have somewhere to sleep, but nowhere to call home
- you are/could be at risk of harm
Shelter helps millions of people every year struggling with bad housing or homelessness through our advice, support, and legal services.
StreetLink If you are concerned about someone over the age of 18 that you have seen sleeping rough in London, you can alert StreetLink. The details you provide will be reviewed by the StreetLink team who will look at the information you provide and make a judgement as to whether the alert is suitable to be sent to the local street outreach for the area in which you have seen the person, to help them find the individual and connect them to support. It is important to note that if you think the person you are concerned about is under 18 please do not contact StreetLink but instead call the police.