Catch22: || 0203 700 0381
Barclays Connect with Work is a fully-funded socially responsible employment programme that supports individuals who have faced barriers to work, into a job or apprenticeship. They are based in Canning Town.
ELBA: || 020 7068 6960
ELBA’s Employment Works programme supports local people to find and secure training and employment opportunities.
Newham IPS Employment Service: || 02075101081
Newham IPS Employment Services offers a service unlike any provided by other jobseekers programme; they work as an integral part of your clinical support team and negotiate with local employers on your behalf and with your permission. In addition, they are there to help you as long as long as you need them after you start work.
020 3373 1101
Newham Work Place is free to all Newham residents; they offer a range of advice and guidance including various support services to help secure employment. These include CV improvements, identifying exciting career options, advising on jobs, apprenticeships, bespoke training and interview preparation.
Please note, you will need to be a service user of:
• the Newham Community Recovery Teams (North or South), including outpatients’ clinics,
• the Newham Assessment and Brief Treatment Team or
• the Newham Early Intervention Service.
Peabody supports our residents, communities and local businesses by boosting income and accessing paid employment, apprenticeships, training courses, qualifications and business support.